An entertaining problem

Published:  2016-07-15
Modified:   2017-07-29
Status:      finished

Recently, I was trying to type a capital “Q”1. Instead of “Q” I kept getting a “T”.

Oh no!

It seemed I had lost the proud letter which is the very beginning of the name of my keyboard layout. You can’t have “QWERTY” without “Q”.

Thankfully, I recalled I was messing with my XKB keyboard config while trying to get a USB Foot Switch working. At one point I was testing to see if my changes to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us were having an effect (they were). So I popped that file open again and saw:

    key <AE11> {	[     minus,	underscore	]	};
    key <AE12> {	[     equal,	plus		]	};

    key <AD01> {	[	  q,	T		]	}; // Oh dear!
    key <AD02> {	[	  w,	W		]	};
    key <AD03> {	[	  e,	E		]	};
    key <AD04> {	[	  r,	R		]	};

I hadn’t reverted my test changes. Also, apparently I don’t use “Q” often, because it took a week or so for me to realise that it still had an incorrect mapping.

Well, the fix is easy enough, just change that “T” to a “Q”…


I can’t type a “Q” to fix not being able to type a “Q”. A lovely sense of being in a silly trap flushed over me. Cool!

After basking in the Great Silly, my fix was to copy and paste the blessed, momentarily unreachable, character from this post 2 the Queen Wikipedia page. Thanks Queen.

I’m adding this to my new list - “Small things going wrong in Ubuntu which are more entertaining than stressful.”

  1. You’ll just have to take my word for it.

  2. Mum won’t let me create Causal Loops anymore. For a while I was often late to dinner, before fixing things so I wasn’t. She didn’t like not knowing if I had been late to dinner in an earlier time-line. “Being late in one time-line is one time too many!”.